If you are familiar with Miniature American Shepherd’s, you know this breed is full of their unique quirks and you could likely add many of your own stories to this list! If you’re new to the breed, welcome and enjoy! Whether it is because they are too smart for their own good, bored, looking for attention, or just plain charismatic…our dogs have funny ways of letting their personalities shine. I thought it would be fun to let you all hear about some of the cute quirks that make my dogs…my dogs!
First up is our sweet Bella. Now Bella has her fair share of quirks but her most identifiable one can be proven by moving any piece of furniture in my house. Under said furniture, you will find multiple tennis balls…all completely stripped of fuzz. Ripping the fuzz off is only step one to Bella’s cute quirk, but the more entertaining portion of the process is her utter enjoyment in shoving under the furniture. She loves doing this so much that she will do it over and over again. She can often be found with her head under the chair or couch, or circling a piece of furniture trying to retrieve it so that she can shove it under there yet again. If you come to my house and see this…DO NOT help her.. unless you want the stink eye from here for the rest of your visit!
Next up in the spotlight is beautiful Tilly. As dog people, we can sometimes find ourselves prescribing human attributes to our dogs which usually elicits at least one eye roll from your local non-dog person. Be that as it may… but I can say with certainty that Tilly is the embodiment of everyone’s annoying little sister. When it comes to her relationship to all of the other dogs in my pack, she is the perfectly annoying little sister. Whether she is rolling on the ground in front of Libby begging her to play with her, or trying to lick Polly’s face begging her to pay attention to her, she is THAT sister. Everyone loves her, but she knows how to push their buttons and look super cute doing it! The cutest quirk about her is that when she is excited or wants to get her way. She can be seen stomping her feet and shaking her head slowly which throws her ears back and forth. To us, we can practically see the pigtails being thrown to and fro over her shoulders! She’ll do this over and over until she gets what she wants.
Last up for this round of quirks is my firecracker girl Kali! She has a loud bark, a love for food and believes she is a big dog in a little dog’s body. As a general rule of thumb, most dogs are not fans of baths (putting it nicely). Most of my dogs will put up with their bathing but will give me the side eye the entire time. You would expect the my little firecracker dog would be no different…BUT she feels like she is transported straight to the spa. In the tub she stretches her head back and enjoys EVERY second of her bath. Sometimes she is only a few deep breaths away from sleeping. So while most of my dogs view bath day as a day of torture, it may just be Kali’s favorite day!
If your dog has a cute quirk, I would love to hear it!